Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Yes, I realize it is now the end of November and I've finally come around to blogging about Halloween. That's how behind I've gotten...
Originally I had planned to "match" their costumes. You know, come up with a theme and plan accordingly. Because, let's face it, how much longer will I be able to influence their costume choices?? How cute would it have been for me to be Bo Peep and for my kids to be my sheep? Adorable right? Well I challenge you to find an appropriate adult sized Bo Peep costume that doesn't consist of a short short skirt, high heels, sheer stockings and a bustier! Impossible, I assure you. And when Brendan commented on his desire to be a cowboy I immediately tried thinking of possibilities for Aubrey. A horse? A cowgirl? I finally gave up and bought the pre-made lady bug and resigned to the fact that there would be no theme...
But you have to admit they were pretty cute anyway :)

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