Thursday, July 24, 2008

Settling In

I've been wanting to do this for quite some time now. So many people in so many different places and I want to keep you all updated on how things are going for us.

We're finally settling into our new home in Bend, Oregon! Low and behold it's only taken us 4 weeks (we officially moved in on June 27th). As many of you may already know, things have been a bit chaotic. Our new house is a brand new construction and the very first in this new development. As a result, when we moved in, our address technically did not exist. This resulted in several headaches as far as utilities were concerned. Our gas almost got shut off, our water bill was still going to the builder (OK, that one's not so bad...), the cable company told us we couldn't get phone, internet, or cable TV for at least a month, and we weren't getting any mail!! So we're finally getting mail, our internet and phone got hooked up this week, and we're scheduled to get cable hooked up in another week and a half. Needless to say, we've been feeling a bit disconnected.

Brendan has been taking the move very well. Loving his new room and his big boy bed. He even goes into the nursery and tells me that it's where the baby will go night-night. Not sure how he'll feel when that actually happens.

Joe is currently working from home, waiting for the new Kittelson office space to be finished and ready to move in. That may not happen for a couple weeks still. I'm holding out hope that all of his work clutter will be out of here before that. Yes, the clutter is getting to me...

I started my new job at St Charles Medical Center here in Bend and it's been stressing me out already. I'm used to working maybe 8 hours a week and I spent the last week doing hospital orientation Monday through Thursday all day long. The hardest part is having to take Brendan to day care. I absolutely hate having to leave him.

Friday we drove to Portland for my 20 week ultrasound appointment and I'm excited to report that we are having a baby girl. A baby sister for Brendan! We then spent the weekend in Dallas, Oregon with Joe for his Guard Duty weekend. I had Monday off to wind down from the weekend then worked 12 hours on Tuesday and 12 hours on Wednesday. Exhaustion sank in around hour 8 of the first day. I'm loving my day off today and looking forward to tomorrow but then I work 12 hours on Saturday and 12 more on Sunday.
Despite the minor frustrations we are loving our house and loving the area. Feeling a bit lonley since all of our friends are so far away. But looking forward to any visitors... we have 5 bedrooms afterall....


Dana said...

Hi Annie-
i am so excited you have a blog, i love 'em! congrats on a little girl- we find out in a 1 1/2 weeks and i can't wait. man, i am only 1 week behind you. how fun. take care friend and i will be keeping up on your life now via the blog =)

twins-n-more said...

Great idea withthe bolg. Your little girl is going to be soo cute. I do plan to visit you sometime. I love bend. Keep in tough Tricia

Dara Wills said...

Annie-I am so excited for you that you are having a girl! How exciting to have one of each. Hopefully things will settle down soon, are you going to keep working as often or start to do one shift a week again?