Thursday, January 6, 2011

Santa 2010

Brendan, our shy little guy, was able to get out a softly whispered "I'd like a red truck and some tools from Home Depot." His discomfort is obvious but he's still cute as ever.

We had high hopes for Aubrey, our ever social sweetheart. But she flirted with the idea of a meltdown when she peered up at Santa's intimidating face. Fortunately (and all too randomly) for us, Benny the Beaver (the infamous OSU mascot) was roaming the grounds and caught the eye of one sweet little girl. He kindly obliged to do a little dance beside the camera man which resulted in the silly grin. The tight grip on her candy cane is evidence of her implied incentive but she would have much rather sat on Benny's lap any day.

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