Monday, November 23, 2009

Baby Birthday Bash

Between our two children we have a near Father's Day birthday and a near Thanksgiving birthday. So inevitabley this means, if we want any guests at our parties, we have to plan accordingly. It was for this reason that we chose to have Aubrey's first birthday party a week in advance. Saturday we invited our firends and family to give this sweet girl the best birthday party ever. The tears are being reserved since, to me, it won't feel real until I relive the exact day that she came into this world.

The girl was a party animal. While the older kids played, the adults socialized and mommy proceeded to fill the house with smoke (who knew that a Costco take-n-bake pizza would cause so much frustration?!?) she managed to find the stack of presents and took it upon herself to begin the opening process. And so the real party began. Of course she had "helpers" (her brother and her boyfriend :) who not only "helped" open the presents, but "helped" show her how to play with her new toys. Then while mommy salvaged the edible parts of two badly burned pizzas (and Daddy quickly ran to Costco for an emergency pre-baked version) she found the most joy in all the wrapping paper and ribbon.

She donned the princess birthday hat and beads for a quick rendition of "Happy Birthday" and ceremoniously stuck her tiny fingers into the frosting. Screamed when Mommy took the entire cake away to cut her a piece and devoured her own serving in 60 seconds flat. The double coconut cake with creamy coconut frosting seemed to be a hit.

After all was said and done, she was out like a light, and her brother(s) had a tea party in her honor with her very own new tea set... This family knows how to party...


Melissa (5M Creations) said...

So fun! I love first birthdays. Happy Birthday Aubrey. She looked like she had so much fun.

I wanted to ask you what program you use to make your collages. I love the idea.

Jess said...

Yay! Happy Birthday Aubrey, and congratulations to you and Joe for surviving the first year. :o) Looks like you had a great party - here's to a wonderful second year! Aubrey looks just wonderful - definitely a big girl now. Hard to believe, huh?

Dana said...

i cannot believe our babies are growing up =). what a sweet cake and sounds like her party rocked!!! loved reading your rendition. she is adorable!!!!